30 Suggestion Box Names Ideas for You to Use

30 suggestion box names ideas for you to use

Planning to launch a suggestion box? Wondering what to call it so that employees will want to use it (and recommend it to others)? 

Let’s not beat around the bush here: The name – suggestion box – is far from fancy. 

(Or fun, for that matter.)

Sure, it describes a suggestion box, but it’s not a name you really want to appear in the message announcing it, right? 

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Example of an employee suggestion program.

Imagine seeing this in your inbox:

“Meet Suggestion Box, your place for sharing great ideas (and concerns) with us.”

No, the name really doesn’t have a ring to it.

It’s bland. Boring. And perhaps even a little detracting.

But what about “Brainstorm Bin” or “Speak up Spot”? These certainly sound a million times better already, right? 

It looks so much better in an inbox, too…

Example of suggestion box name.

With that in mind, I put together a list of different suggestion box name ideas for you. I hope you’ll find a great idea on the list, or at least that these names will inspire you to come up with a cool name for your suggestion box. 

Before we get to the good stuff, though, let’s dive a little deeper into this:

Why is the name of the suggestion box so important?

I know—I kind of answered this with the example above. And I do realize that I poked fun at the idea of suggestion box names.

But I think the issue deserves a slightly deeper (and a bit more serious) explanation. 

Names (or labels) we attach to things have an enormous power and influence. 

A bland name might make its object bland, boring, or even completely unnoticeable. 

A strong one, however… Well, let me share a story that illustrates this. 

It comes from a book by Rory Sutherland called Alchemy (source). In the book, Sutherland shares the story of Lee Lantz, a fish wholesaler who, in the late 70s, tried to introduce Patagonian Toothfish to the American market. 

The market wouldn’t budge. 

So, in 1977, Lantz decided to change his strategy. He dropped the name Patagonian Toothfish and started calling the fish Chilean Sea Bass. 

The result? The market was absolutely enthusiastic about Chilean Sea Bass, and the product became a huge success.

And all it took was changing the name….

I do appreciate that this isn’t a story about an HR product. But the principle is the same. The right name will attract people’s attention and engage them. 

(On a funny note, psychologists have a name for this. They call it the fluency effect. It simply states that the easier the name is to bring to mind, the more we like it.)

So, let’s see how that’d work in the context of a suggestion box…

Why does a custom suggestion box name always work better? 

The fluency effect affects whether we like a name. This, in turn, has an even greater impact on the outcome we plan for the thing (which, in the case of a suggestion box, is to get people to actually use it).

A strong (and custom) suggestion box name will:

  • Encourage participation: A creative (or funny, witty, or even very serious) name can make the suggestion box more inviting to use. In other words, if the name is engaging, it can pique curiosity and increase participation.
  • Set the tone for the suggestion box: For example, a lighthearted name might suggest an open, creative environment. A more serious one, on the other hand, might convey professionalism and a solid commitment to improvement. 
  • Foster a sense of ownership: A well-chosen name can make employees feel like the suggestion box is a vital part of the organization. When people feel ownership, they’re more likely to contribute meaningfully.
  • Signal openness and approachability: A warm and inviting name will communicate that the organization is genuinely interested in hearing from its employees. It helps break down barriers and reduce any intimidation associated with providing feedback.
  • Align the suggestion box with internal brand values: A suggestion box with a clever or meaningful name can become a recognizable part of the company’s internal brand. It shows that the organization values creativity and cares about employee engagement.
  • Communicate purpose: The name could also give a clear indication of what the suggestion box is for. A good name can help employees quickly understand that this is a place where their voices will be heard and taken seriously.
  • Create a positive association: Finally, if the name of the suggestion box is positive or even fun, it can create a more pleasant association with the act of providing feedback. This can help reduce any negative connotations and make the process feel more rewarding.

Witty or serious? Which approach to naming a suggestion box is better?

The last thing I want to discuss before I show you my suggestion box name ideas is what approach to take. As you can imagine, you can use either a funny or witty name or a completely serious one for your suggestion box. 

So, which option would work better? 

Well, the bad news is that there is no easy answer to this. 

Both options can work equally well, depending on your organization’s culture, goals for the suggestion box, and more. 

That said, each of the two approaches has its pros and cons, and knowing those might help you decide which type of suggestion box name to use. 

So, let’s go through those quickly. 

Pros and cons of witty suggestion box names

These names attract attention.
They also suggest a more relaxed, open environment.
They can make the process of giving feedback seem more fun and informal.
Witty names reflect a creative and approachable company culture.
Finally, they can make employees more comfortable to share their ideas or feedback.
Witty names may not be taken seriously by all employees.
They could also reduce the perceived importance of the feedback process.
Certainly, witty names do not align with a more formal or traditional company culture.
In some industries, witty names could be seen as unprofessional.

Pros and cons of serious suggestion box names

Serious names convey professionalism and importance.
They can align with formal or traditional company cultures.
A serious name might reinforce the seriousness of employee feedback.
It’s easier to communicate the purpose of the suggestion box with a serious name.
Serious names may feel intimidating or uninviting.
A serious name might discourage creative or unconventional ideas.
By their definition, serious names will lack the element of fun, potentially reducing engagement.
They might also not stand out or attract attention.
Finally, such names might be perceived as too rigid or unapproachable.

30 suggestion box name ideas

With all the above in mind, let me give you 30 unique ideas for suggestion box names. Because of our discussion about witty and serious names, I divided my list into two. So, below, you’ll find 15 witty and 15 serious ideas. Use whichever one you feel would fit your suggestion box, or use them as an inspiration for coming up with a custom name. 

Good luck. 

Witty suggestion box names

  • The Idea Incubator
  • The Brainstorm Bin
  • Whispering Wishes
  • The Feedback Factory
  • The Complaint Compartment
  • The Office Oracle
  • The Suggestion Station
  • The Think Tank
  • Gripe & Go
  • The Genius Jar
  • The Bright Idea Box
  • Anonymous Advice Avenue
  • The Proposal Portal
  • Brainwave Box
  • The Improvement Inbox

Serious suggestion box names

  • Employee Voice
  • Speak Up Spot
  • The Insight Box
  • Innovation Vault
  • Your Voice Matters
  • The Input Initiative
  • Future Focus Box
  • The Feedback Forum
  • Empowerment Box
  • The Reflection Box
  • Employee Insights
  • The Listening Post
  • Pathway to Progress
  • The Improvement Exchange
  • Voices of Change

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